Monday, November 24, 2008

Potty talk...

Ok - I just can't stand it anymore.

One of my fondest memories is of Pink at about.... 4ishorso...

She went into the stall at whatever women's restroom we were at -
& came out just totally terrorized.
Ok - - that does tell you too much about my mothering...
The toilet was the first self-flushing one either of us had ever encountered. I wondered if she'd ever use a public toilet again, but being the strong, trooper that my daughter is - I only had to assure her for several years that 'no- this is not one of the toilets that will try to eat you'.

Now - that brings me to my current potty problem.
There are two - yes - two toilets at work that I'm having issues with.

I mean - REALLY! What is with these toilets that flush when you breath - giving one what I can only imagine is a poor imitation of a bidet - but then it won't flush when you get up?!?!?! No amount of jumping, dancing, spinning cussing or pounding that stupid little button makes any difference.
It's downright humiliating...

I'm being outsmarted by toilets.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

You have the greatest pictures on your blog!

Nathan doesn't have any plumber friends? Drats!