Thursday, April 22, 2010


I miss my Mother...

50 years & 5 1/2 hours
ago she brought her
11 lb. 2 oz daughter into
the worl

That was her very first
Mother's Day.

With every bridge of my
life that I cross, I understand
& appreciate my mother more

I never understood the way she looked at that babe until I held my own newborn for
the first time.

I never understood brain-bursting frustration until I tangled with my own moody,
angry teenage daughter.

I never understood her devotion to Justin until Hunter smiled at me for the first time.

I never understood her aching, empty, terrifying hours, days & years until I walked
down my own tortured path so very afraid & alone.

I never understood how she missed her mother - when she called to share that she
had found grandma's negligee' while going through her things, until. . .

I miss my Mother today. For so many
years on this day she got a card or flowers
or a visit from me - wishing her a Happy Mother's Day. I miss her smile. I can
close my eyes & see her face - the last
time she smiled at me. Her face *lit* up
the room, & my heart, that very last time.
I miss her voice. I feel sad for the
times it annoyed me. That she annoyed me.
That I was such a selfish poopish brat...
But - today as my mere existence annoyed
me own precious daughter - I also forgive myself - for it is the way of mothers &
daughters, I'm afraid. And I realized a long time ago... that nobody ever loves you the
way your mother does, & she forgives me too.

I miss my Mother. I am grateful - more grateful all the time.
I wish I could have shared the bridge I crossed today with her.


Happy Mother's Day, Mom! Thanks...
for... everything... I love you!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


My Son turned 30 yesterday. How can it possibly be that it's been 30 years since
I was blessed by that amazing soul in my life. He has always had the strongest,
truest heart. His conviction to be true to himself, to follow his path without
imposing it on others comes from of deep core of honesty & respect, both for
himself & others. He has always been, & will always be, my Sonshine. He cannot
possibly be 30... because I cannot possibly be that old!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I miss this man so much every day since he's been gone . . . there just are no words for it.