Sunday, June 14, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009


May was Prom for the most beautiful girl in the world...

My blessed best friend & kids sh
owing up for Mother's Day.It was GRADUATIONS!!!

I only made it to Dayna's. And to Trisha's party. It's a good thing the
3 Halverson grads reluctantly humored me for that picture.

I've learned I can make pancakes!
Edible pancakes!
I may even decide to try w
affles next!
or maybe not.

Pink & I have our 'garden' in. Gnomes and all!

I just didn't have the wherewithall to dig grass, haul stone, fill dirt & plant.
So, yes,
those are pots. AND we have strawberries!
The pool is for Brillo. His very own piggie garden.
AND - our beautiful Hope came 'out' on myspace!Nana Z is anxiously awaiting the arrival of little
Hunter William Tolman in Oct.!!!

Those are the highlights. Let's stick with those.

Welcome June! May you bring better things.