Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Better Blog

ENOUGH bitching for the moment!

Let me do a better blog....
WOW! There's an idea!

Let's talk about my house!

I *love* my house!

With the help of a wonderful friend -
my own personal Martha Stewart (who I *hate* -
but I don't hate my friend), we are creating a

wonderful space for my family.
We are having *so* much fun!!!

It is so nice to look forward to coming home. I look forward to getting the next room 'done'. I look forward to establishing a routine that doesn't include unpacking. A routine that does include more real-life cleaning, more reading, more movies & a fire in the fireplace, crocheting & making a recipe book. I'm even excited to start working on *all* boxes in the storage shed
until I'm self-contained! I'm excited to have friends & family
come see my new home. It feels so nice to use those words.
My. Home.

I'm considering a housewarming party where people don't *bring* gifts - the requirement is that they *take* something!

I am anxious to move forward in this place. My space.
I look forward to being through all this darkness & pain
- into a healthy, whole & happy life on my own.
May it be so.


Connie Babe said...

very cool.

and i still love that table!!!

Lady Winterhart said...

okay okay i'll take your bathtub. you don't have to beg. :D