Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday, Sunday...

1. I am so, SO grateful for peaceful Sundays....
ing practically unheard of in a former life.
It is beyond wonderful to enjoy my Sundays!

2. Foals!
One of the advantages of driving with Pink.
I get to see the farmland & the babies!

3. Ready to start Pink's garden!!!
4. Jelly bellies are so much fun!
Trying to figure out what the good & the icky ones are.
There must be some kind of game in there somewhere!5. 3 day weekends! I get another home-day tomorrow!
It's awesome to have a home to love being at... *contented sigh*


Connie Babe said...

what's the difference between a zoann garden and a pink garden? :)

Zjourney said...

Well - Zoann is *helping* with the garden. Ideas, advice (which is pretty funny considering my history with plants) I helped her fill pots. Provided the funds for the stuff, & I assume I'll do the nagging about weeding & watering. :)