Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hepa filters & the ill

What's up with hepa filters???

These things they have stuck in my vacuum, that are supposed to filter out alergens
or some such - that I must take out - take outside & bang on a rock.

Do you KNOW what happens when you bang these things on rocks? Dust & hair &
every other thing in them flies EVERYWHERE! Mostly in my direction. Like smoke.

So these things are good for everyone EXCEPT the one who does the work...
It's like being the one with the wrong color uniform on Star Trek....

Like I'm not already stuffy, headachey, hacking & coughing with no voice.
It was a man... I know it was...


Connie Babe said...

i have often thought that those "new and improved" things that they put in vacuums are here to just irritate my life.

have to remember when to clean this, change that, wipe this, about just change a stinkin' bag!!! that's the kind i want...

Zjourney said...

I hated changing bags. I like seeing the thingy fill up. BUT - MAN what a pain! I've had that vacuum 8 months & I'm still figuring out things that come apart spewing dust to be cleaned...

Lady Winterhart said...

face masks are awesome.