Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I keep a gratitude journal.
Not as faithfully as I'd like.
I don't like to write.
I don't like my handwriting.
So... I'm going to try it here.
Maybe I need a totally different blog for this,
I guess I'll try it & see.

1. A best friend who comes to my rescue every time.
I am grateful with every breath that you are my person!

2. A friend who let me know I'm not dead.
3. My lawnmower. On at least it's 3rd year - and this
year it starts and runs without
even having to go see my wonderful lawnmower dr.! I
always have loved mowing the lawn!
4. My friend, Tom. He has added so much to my days at work.
I couldn't bear to say good-bye. I'm going to miss him every day.
5. My favorite episodes of Gunsmoke! No wonder I have such a thing for big men!

1 comment:

Lady Winterhart said...

yay for friends! and yay for gunsmoke! too bad i got rid of cable.
i'm glad you know you're still breathing.