Monday, October 19, 2009

Primal Grandmother

Something deeply primal & instinctual happens at the birth of ones first
Yet another life thing nobody informed me about. Oh - they told
me how fun grandkids are -they told me how they wish they'd had them first...
None of them said anything about the deep, gut, primal thing that happened when
I saw that baby.
It must come from the time when the women of the tribe banded
together in support of the
birthing mother & new babe.

That baby that looks &
feels & smells so much like a child
I birthed 25 years ago...
The child standing right beside
yet... not quite... I am so incredibly proud of that son -
father - of mine! The patience, strength, courage &
love he showed her.
That primal response to that baby... It is one of the strangest, most powerful things
I've ever experienced... and I am *so* grateful....

So - welcome to our lives sweet baby Hunter!!! I'll do my best
to be a Nana you enjoy ~ a Nana who ~ when you are grown &
I am gone ~ you'll remember our times & smile.


Connie Babe said...

you'll be one of the best nana's ever to have walked this earth...

he's lucky to have you!

LaNae Brandon said...

OOhh.. I'm excited to meet him!

Zjourney said...

Well - I don't know about that...but thanks for the vote of confidence! I'm much more secure about grand-dogs. Give 'em a ratty old stuffed duck & a back yard & I'm a total hero!

Trudy said...

I have to quote almost the same exact words you wrote to me in a card in February of 1978. (yes, I still have it in her baby book).... "He's (She's) beautiful, but then look at his (her) Nana (mom). :)