Thursday, April 30, 2009

Meadowlark Day!!!!!

It finally got here!!!! I must admit I was beginning to worry.
I wondered where all the meadowlarks had gone. Even when I took
Pink out driving - no meadowlarks.

(also no fear & screaming - she did an *excellent* job!
Today - the last day of April - MEADOWLARKS!!!

To celebrate Lorinda, Sheryl & I went for margaritas while Nathan & David went to Uncle Ron's. hehehe...
I had my first ever margarita. (Sheryl's response was "What the hell is the matter with you?!?!?!) Then I tried a blackberry - & then a coconut. Yes, I discovered that margaritas are indeed magical. For the first time in almost 9 months I experienced fun,
laughter & a long stretch being out of the pain. It was *incredible* We acted up disgracefully. It was *marvelous*!!!

Welcome back sweet little meadowlarks!


Lady Winterhart said...

haha rich can't make it through two margaritas. i've had to half-carry him home before.

LaNae Brandon said...

Yay Pink for driving!! :-)